Tondeleo: A few weeks ago, Doc finally entered the late 1980's. He left me a voice mail to let me know he got an email address. He and Marilyn don't have their own Internet access, which means they drive over to his friend Bruce's house, who has dial up, or they go to the library.
He has said before that at most places where they play, people want to get hold of him and he gives them his post office box number, but they always want an email address. His argument has been that if they really want to get hold of them, people can write. But Marilyn prevailed and he drove her up to the Bryans Road library and she set up an email account for him:
He generously gave me his password so I could get to any time sensitive emails and call him if there is anything I think he needs to pay particular attention to. I am getting ready to email him to explain about spam.
Here is the gist of his message:
"Tondy, I got one of them addresses so I can get electric mail on the interweb. Marilyn set it up for me up at the liberry. We can be gotten in contact with now and answer about once a week if you don't mind bad spellin' unless Marilyn is with me. My name on there is DocStevensYes at Hotmail dot com. Marilyn said that people would send us free spam if I would let her get one of those addresses. That would sure help out a lot. Hey Tondy - E-write me at the sound of the beep! Bye!"
Will wonders ever cease?