“Here’s another one. I carry a cane. Actually, Tondy, I use a pig stick. Get ‘em at a farm supply store. They got a Tractor Supply store up in Waldorf now, an’ there’s La Plata Farm Supply in La Plata. A pig stick’ll run you 8 maybe nine bucks. Looks like a cane, but it’s stronger, for movin’ pigs around what don’t want to be moved.
“Here’s where a pig stick is different from a cane. A pig stick is made of hardwood, maybe oak. The end of it what touches the ground is smaller, so if you jab with it, it makes a stronger impact. The curved part is more open than a cane, so you can wrap it around a man’s neck or leg and pull him down where you want him. But, at first, it looks like a cane. Get a pig stick and keep it with you. Maybe you have a bad leg or something. “I carry a fold up army surplus little shovel in my truck. That’s a handy thing to have. It’s a good shield, it’s a good weapon and I won’t get locked up for it. Some of them got teeth on one side like a saw. A camping shovel is a good self defense weapon. Cheap, small, and you won’t go to jail for it. But you can use it like a billy club, you can open it part way and use it like a pickaxe, or for defense. Get one of them for your car, too, Tondy.
“You can use a flare like cops use at accidents; light it and jab the bad guy with it, if you’re broke down on the side of the road and he attacks you. Have some flares with you.
"...if you aim that flare at him, he will have a tattoo from it. But it is legal because it is safety equipment. It can save your life."
Another good one is a boater’s emergency flare gun. Any fisherman ought to have one. At Wal Mart they’re less than thirty bucks. You get a pistol that fires a 3000 degree flare that will burn through most anything. It’ll blind your attacker for a few seconds, and if you aim that flare at him, he will have a tattoo from it. But it is legal because it is safety equipment. It can save your life. But don’t be an idiot and carry it on you into a bar or restaurant. Keep it in your truck in case someone tries to rob you or hijack you. Then light him up, for easy identification by the police. Let them know you feared for your life. I’d rather face a judge than an armed hijacker who is a crackhead. That’s all you need for now.”
Posted in
improvised weapons,
self defense,