Tondeleo: We are having the coldest weather and the most snow here in the U.K. that I can ever remember. Many of our roads are still covered with ice, because the councils don't own snow removal equipment, and we have no way of clearing the roads. Of course, we don't have any reason to buy snow removal equipment, because it would just raise the taxes so we can have snow plows sitting for years at a time, in case it ever snows like this again. We are out of salt and have had to bring in sand and grit from the beaches to try to make the motorways safe.
I telephoned Doc and Marilyn to find how they are getting on. Doc answered. I told him about our weather here, and asked about the weather there in the Washington area. He said it was COLD, and that most people can't heat their homes enough to stay warm. Then he went on a rant about global warming. Here is Part One.
Doc: OK Tondy, me an' Marilyn an' most our friends is freezin' out here. We had three weeks of rain afore all this cold weather, so we burnt up all our dry wood then. After that it turned cold an' most our wood is wet. We got kerosene heaters, but guess what they done to the price of kerosene? They jacked it up!
Listen. Kerosene aint nothin' but diesel what ain't so purified. It should be the cheapest. But no. They jacked up the price of diesel to more than premium gas (petrol) and jacked up kerosene a dollar a gallon more than diesel!
Last week, I sent my neighbor's boy up the road to get us some kerosene to at least keep the worst of the cold out. He took five gas cans and came back with only three of 'em full. He said I ain't give him enough money an' he handed me the receipt.
Guess how much it was a gallon? Kerosene was $3.99 a gallon, Tondy! Diesel was only $2.69 a gallon but the boy didn't know I could burn that, too. A dollar thirty a gallon more for kerosene than diesel! And diesel got road taxes already added into it, about a dollar ten a gallon of road tax! Kerosene ain't got no road tax, so it ought to be priced like this: Put it back to the price of diesel and then take off the price what is road taxes and that would give a fair price for kerosene which is about $1.40 a gallon.
Why is they doing this? Cause poor folks have to heat they's homes with kerosene and they know we gotta have it. Most us ain't got the credit to be buyin' it from the oil company in a truck where you get 275 gallons at a time. We can only buy it a few gallons at a time and they put it to us. Ain't right!
Now what I want to know is this: Where's all this global warming I hear so much about? We could use some of that around here and you could use some of it over there in that England. It ain't gettin' no warmer! It's gettin' colder!
The gov'ment is tryin' to keep people scared and tax us more so they can keep takin' our money an' holdin' us down. They even met over there at that Coping Hoggin' (Copenhagen) to talk about how to get all them govments together to charge people more taxes for heating they's homes and drivin' to work. I hope they all freeze they's butts off an' that everyone finds out that they's tryin' to control us an' take our money.
Global warmin' ain't happenin'. Not til Summer, anyway.